A Vestura Group company | 01509 380 040 | hello@contractor-compliance.co.uk

One of the first things you look for when considering a new system is cost. We’ve some good news for you… the Contractor Compliance Portal is free, and always will be. There’s no cost to sign up, use the system, generate SDS’s and manage compliance.

It doesn’t matter if you are a recruitment agency, a client hiring contractors, a consultancy, a contractor or any other party involved in the IR35 labour supply chain, there’s no cost at all to use the system. No initial cost, no hidden costs, no per usage costs, no licence costs, nothing, nada, zip… it’s completely free.

But why is the system free? We want to give businesses a viable alternative to CEST and to help them insure their IR35 risk exposures. Making it free to use allows that.